Chat 4.0 Material UI KIT
Sketch | 59 Mb
100+ completed UX design screens for chat, social network, send money
Chat 4.0 is a minimal and rich features Chatting, internet calling and send money mobile app specially designed to fit right into the new Google Material Design 2018, best for both iPhone and Android (All screen size). It's the result of an obsession to simplify the user experience for sharing, messaging and connecting, and help you radiate your true vision and ideas into a gorgeously clean design.
It comes with total completed UX flow 100+ Screens, with +150 highly customizable elements, Retina and 100% Vector based.
Chat 4.0 have all the right tools for your next big projects, such as chatting, social network, internet calling, OTT, fintech... with newest trend of design !
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