6 Stock Images Colorful & Minimal 629921
JPG | 6016x4016 | 34 Mb
Your purchase includes 6 full size, hi-resolution JPEG images.
The dimensions are as follows:
Journal & Stapler Image : 4016x6016, 4.1MB - vertical
Succulent, Sunglasses & Box : 4016x6016, 6.8MB - vertical
Succulent on it's own: 6016x4016, 6.7MB - horizontal
Rose Gold Binder Clips: 3916x5866, 3.6MB - vertical
Eucalyptus: 6016x4016, 6.2MB - horizontal
Rose Gold Earphones: 5260x3776, 8.8MB - horizontal
# T H E S C O O P
TwigyPosts stock images and mockups are unique because they are all created with the busy entrepreneur in mind! Each of my photos are high resolution and are available for instant download.
I leave a little bit of negative space on some images or mockups so that you may personalize them! A lot of my customers use them in conjunction with the Studio app. All you have to do is overlay your quote or promo and you are all set! By doing this you can use one image in a variety of ways and in multiple posts...stretching those hard earned dollars to the max.
You may also edit these images to reflect your personal style. Add a filter or convert them to black and white. Go ahead...I give you permission to wow your followers with something that still looks like YOU! The only thing I ask is that you do not, under any circumstances resell this image as your own. No matter how tempted you are to do it.
#W H Y U S E S T O C K I M A G E S
With quality visual content being king—it’s no longer optional to have a presence on Instagram. Currently, Instagram users are 58 times more likely to engage than Facebook and 120 times more likely than Twitter users, according to a study by Forrester Research. Instagram is the platform to shine on and the most personal platform to tell your brands story. Twigy Posts saves you time and money by providing you gorgeous, quality photos to help you streamline your Instagram channel and easily craft your brand at an affordable price.
# P E O P L E W H O L O V E T W I G Y
Instagram, Social Media Managers, Bloggers, Graphic Artists, Entrepreneurs...and YOU!
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