Christmas Promo Bundle 2121226
Photoshop PSD, EPS, JPG | 3.82 Gb
612 templates inside
51 template formats, including:
21 banner formats
13 social media post formats
11 social media header and cover formats
4 flyer formats
2 poster formats
Free fonts used only
Super clean and professionally designed Illustrator document template
Easy to use and customize layered Photoshop template
EPS, PSD, JPG files
What`s included in the download:
156 social media post templates
12 * Social Media Universal Post (1200x 1200 px)
12 * Twitter In-Stream Photo (1024 x 512 px)
12 * Facebook Photo Post (940 x 788 px)
12 * Facebook App (810 x 450 px)
12 * Facebook App / Tab Image (111 x 74 px)
12 * Instagram Feed Square (1080 x 1080 px)
12 * Instagram Feed Landscape (1200 x 628 px)
12 * YouTube Video Thumbnail (1280 x 720 px)
12 * Pinterest Pin (736 x 1104 px)
12 * LinkedIn Update/Blog Post (1200 x 628 px)
12 * LinkedIn Post Header (700 x 400 px)
12 * Tumblr Image Post (540 x 810 px)
12 * Etsy Listing Photo (1000 x 800 px)
132 social media header templates
12 * Twitter Header (1500 x 500 px)
12 * Facebook Cover (828 x 465 px)
12 * Facebook Event Cover (828 x 315 px)
12 * Google+ Cover (1080 x 608 px)
12 * YouTube Channel Cover (2560 x 1440 px)
12 * Pinterest Board Cover (736 x 736 px)
12 * LinkedIn Profile Banner (4000 x 1700 px)
12 * LinkedIn Company Cover (1536 x 768 px)
12 * Tumblr Banner (3000 x 1055 px)
12 * Etsy Cover (1200 x 300 px)
12 * Etsy Shop Banner (760 x 100 px)
252 banner templates
12 * Facebook Ad (1200 x 628 px)
12 * Twitter Lead Generation Card (800 x 200 px)
12 * Twitter Image App Card (800 x 320 px)
12 * Youtube Display Ad (300 x 60 px)
12 * Youtube Display Ad (300 x 250 px)
12 * Youtube Overlay Ad (480 x 70 px)
12 * Google Small Square (200 × 200 px)
12 * Google Vertical Rectangle (240 × 400 px)
12 * Google Square (250 × 250 px)
12 * Google Inline Rectangle (300 × 250 px)
12 * Google Skyscraper (120 × 600 px)
12 * Google Wide Skyscraper (160 × 600 px)
12 * Google HalfPage Ad (300 × 600 px)
12 * Google Banner (468 × 60 px)
12 * Google Leaderboard (728 × 90 px)
12 * Google Large Leaderboard (970 × 90 px)
12 * Google Billboard (970 × 250 px)
12 * Google Mobile Banner (320 × 50 px)
12 * Google Large Mobile Banner (320 × 100 px)
12 * Adroll Rectangle (180 x 150 px)
12 * Adroll Vertical banner (120 x 240 px)
48 flyer templates
12 * Flyer Letter US (8,5 x 11 in)
12 * Flyer US (5 x 7 in)
12 * Flyer DL (210 x 99 mm)
12 * Flyer A5 (148 x 210 mm)
24 poster templates
12 * Poster (420 x 594 mm)
12 * Poster US (18 x 24 in)
JPG files for reference
EPS vector Illustrator files
PSD layered Photoshop files
All free images
Help file for each temaplate
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