iPhone Mockup Square Format 477817
Photoshop PSD | 469 Mb
This is the perfect collection of images for advertising your website or products on social media. With a dark background, white iPhone and LAYERS this bundle has it all! You can use the layers to easily add your own images or screen shots to the iPhone screen.
Your purchase will include 8 files. 4 PSD files and 4 flat JPEG copies of the same file. They are all in square format, but because they are large files you can easily crop them to meet social media needs.
# T H E S C O O P
Our stock images and mockups are unique because they are pre-formatted for social media. This makes them SO easy and fun to use! Each of our photos are high resolution and are available for instant download.
You may also edit these images to reflect your personal style. Add a filter or convert them to black and white. Go ahead...we give you permission to wow your followers with something that still looks like YOU! The only thing we ask is that you do not, under any circumstances resell this image as your own. No matter how tempted you are to do it.
#W H Y U S E S T O C K I M A G E S
With quality visual content being king—it’s no longer optional to have a presence on Instagram. Currently, Instagram users are 58 times more likely to engage than Facebook and 120 times more likely than Twitter users, according to a study by Forrester Research. Instagram is the platform to shine on and the most personal platform to tell your brands story. Twigy Posts saves you time and money by providing you gorgeous, quality photos to help you streamline your Instagram channel and easily craft your brand at an affordable price.
# P E O P L E W H O L O V E U S
Instagram, Social Media Managers, Bloggers, Graphic Artists, Entrepreneurs...and YOU!!!!
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