Sacola blue fun bold school profile presentation
PPTX, PPT | 8 Mb
A school profile is one of the most needed school documents when it comes to promoting your school in a professional way. With this type of document, you can introduce the values of your school, the facilities, programs, and the other things related to your school. Thats why creating the school profile as appropriately as possible is crucial. Besides gaining the credibility of your school, it also affects peoples decision whether they want to join your program or not. Thus, use this Sacola, the blue salmon bold school profile presentation.
This template has a simple yet bold style that is perfect to promote your proud school. It has a unique contrasting color combination that puts blue, salmon, and white into one palette. Other than that, the typeface selected makes this template look even more on-point and attractive. Moreover, this template is also well-designed with a neat and well-organized layout, making your audience will only focus on your presentation. No doubt to steal the spotlight with this fun and bold presentation template.
This template provides you with 15 unique template designs, available in PPT and PPTX format files. You can edit the text, image, and color on the template using Microsoft PowerPoint or any other compatible application on your device to be more like your preferences or needs.
Help documentation in a PDF file is included in the package to assist you in editing the template. But, if you find any difficulties or issues that Help cannot cover, or you have any questions or inquiries regarding this product, you are always welcome to contact us at any time of your convenience.
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