Photoshop PSD, AI, EPS | 17 Mb
They are perfect for branding projects, apparel design, t-shirt prints, social media, typography design, labels, greeting cards and many more. Plase note that not all badges are fully editable (I'm about the texts) (see on third preview), but 100% vector (you may to scale badges as much you need without loosing sharpness).
Travellers, hikers, adventurers, lovers of free style of life, organizers of expeditions, hikes, trips, events, travel business owners - these logos is just for you.
18 logotypes
fonts used list (txt)
Please note: not all fonts are free. (approximately 50% for 50%). you may use other fonts similar in style, or use version of logos with outlined not editable texts, if you don't need to edit them.
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