Fashion Slideshow 14907824 After Effects Template
After Effects Version : CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
Files Included : After Effects Project Files
Uses Plugins : Optical Flares | Universal Expressions : Yes
Length : 1:42 | Resolution : 1920x1080 | File Size : 519MB
Media Placeholders : 23 | Text Placeholders : 53
Preview Project:
Videohive Fashion Slideshow 14907824 After Effects Template
This is my new After Effects CS5 project, Fashion Slideshow Intro. It’s modern fresh looking fashion oriented slideshow presentation/video promo opener. The template is created to be very quickly and easy customized. This project is a great way to showcase your fashion photography portfolio and much more. It is highly customizable to fit your needs whether it is fashion video, club presentation or TV promo.
Main features are:
After Effects CS5 or higher
No plug-ins required (Optical Flares is pre-rendered but additional files are included for those who have the plug-in and want to modify it.)
Well organised
Modular structure
Fast rendering
Images used in the preview are not included
Works with Images or Videos
Eeasy set up – customize in a minute!
Useful video tutorial showing how to edit the template.