Videohive Go Footageless! - Light Burns & Glitch AE comps 8390543 After Effects Projects Free
CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4 | No plugins | 1920x1080 | 128 Mb
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Preview Project:
Go footageless! is a truly useful project! An After Effects project tool, ready to get imported in your own project. It’s not a preset file (.ffx)
It’s a “drag & drop” collection of AE compositions with Light leaks, lens flares, bokehs, light transitions, film burns, glitch distortions (with audio) & tech overlays
...without the use of any footages at all!
These comps are more than just overlays! Some will also distort the footage below accordingly! (Blurring, noise, or digital interference!)
Drag & drop over your footage or over your editing cuts as if they were footages! Simple As That!!
Go Footageless! - Light Burns & Glitch AE comps - 1
Use as transitions between footages or as revealers for your titles or just as light film flares to add value to your adverts, films, or personal videos!
3 simple steps are enough to get you started!
•1- Import the project in your own
•2- Drag and drop the comp you like over your footage
•3- Click the “collapse transformations” button
...& voila!!!
Over 50 tool comps with practically unlimited visual combinations!
Go Footageless! - Light Burns & Glitch AE comps - 2
Go Footageless! - Light Burns & Glitch AE comps - 3
• Works only with After Effects (CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 & all newer CC)
• Uses the standard AE plugins (CC effects). No need to install expensive external ones!
• Native 1080 FullHD resolution – (easy to scale comps to HD720 with just a shortcut!)
• Transparency (opacity) level adjustable
• Retimeable comps (time stretchable as if they were footages!)
• Combine comps to get unique and numerous results!
• Glitches compositions contain audio sfx! (lively made within the project – optionally mute if you don’t need sound effects)
• Many compositions blurs and grains the videos while compositing the light leaks (Can easily be turned off)
• Video tutorial & written help with gallery catalog and extra tips & tricks will guide you achieving the results YOU like!
• Awesome music track used in the preview video (not included with the file) can be purchased here: Beach Chill Indie Rock. Thank you sunchannelmusic!
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