Marahuyo Font Family Set 333436
OTF | 128 Kb
Check out all of the characters in this font by clicking on, and expanding, the third image in the previews above.
Marahuyo typeface can be used for personal and/or commercial projects. Please refer to the SimpleLicense for details.
In Photoshop, you can access the contextual alternates, discretionary ligatures, and stylistic alternates from the "Character" panel.The beginning and end swashes of Marahuyo Swash are accessible by clicking the "contextual alternates" button in the "Character Panel" of Photoshop. Any glyphs that are not accessible from either your keyboard or through the "Character" panel can be accessed from your Character Map in Windows, or Special Characters panel on Mac.
In Illustrator, you can access all of the available Marahuyo Regular and Marahuyo Swash characters by the "Glyphs" panel.
I've also made a special shortcut for you to add those cool dots between your numbers, like the ones seen on those fancy hand addressed envelopes. You will be able to quickly add those dots by typing the ^ on your keyboard. Try it out below in the live preview.
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