PopType Graphic Styles and More 644318
Photoshop ABR, TPL, AI | 130 Mb
48 PopType graphic styles for Adobe Illustrator
Instant access to the password protected PopType Vault containing 5 tutorials
1 PopType RoughTone halftone texture (lay it over your work for instant textured goodness)
1 PopType Grunge texture
4 brand new Photoshop brushes created from 1970s comic book ink textures
4 brand new Potoshop brush tool presets created from 1970s comic book ink textures with pressure sensitivity built-in
6 FizzleStock brand pieces of authentic retro clip art from the 1940s and 1950s
Here's all the PopType graphic styles you get:
PopType Standard
PopType Arc
PopType Arc Upper
PopType Arc Lower
PopType Arch
PopType Bulge
PopType Shell Upper
PopType Shell Lower
PopType Flag
PopType Rise
PopType Shear Up
PopType Shear Down
Here's the PopType tutorials you'll get access to:
Tutorial #1 | Installing your graphic styles
Tutorial #2 | Installing your brushes
Tutorial #3 | Customizing your styles
Tutorial #4 | Using your brushes
Tutorial #5 | Converting styles to vector
Here's the Photoshop distressed brushes you'll get access to:
PopType Texture Brush #1 - Large area of ink soaked cheap comic book paper
PopType Texture Brush #2 - Scuffed ink texture (think fine grain sandpaper on ink)
PopType Texture Brush #3 - Another scuffed ink texture but more subtle
PopType Texture Brush #4 - Standard ink soak texture
Here's the PopType Vector Textures you'll get access to:
PopType RoughTone - Real halftone texture with rough imperfect circles
PopType Grunge - A rough and tumble vector grunge to lay over your work for fast textures
Teach a man to fish...
What you'll really love about this pack is that it makes you a better designer. Sure, you'll get the 48 graphic styles and other goodies. But the PopType vault tutorials will help you wrap your head around graphic styles (so you can smoothly navigate them and build your own).
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