Photo Presets for Lightroom 482136
Workflow Presets Collection
Black & White Presets
Color Creative Presets
Cross Process Presets
Instagram© Emulation Presets
High Dynamic Range Presets (HDR)
Dragan© Effect Presets
LOMO Effect Presets
Monochrome Presets
Selected Color Presets
Sky Graduated Filter Presets
Vintage & Retro Presets
Vignettes and Frames
Photo Presets let you quickly and easily adjust all of the development parameters in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Its your one-click solution for correct white balance, tone, vibrance, hue and sharpening of your photo. You can selectively apply tools to lighten and darken the sky or smooth skin, and you can quickly apply unique creative effects to your images.
Photo Presets can be a big time saver, especially when you're trying to add a specific effect to a photo and you're not sure how to do it. In this collection you'll find a wide variety of presets, from vintage effects to amazing color effects.
Photo Presets are perfect for novices to Lightroom simply because it allows you to apply multiple different photo effects to an image within a few seconds without having knowledge about the ins and outs of Lightroom.
Cross Process Presets
Cross processing is a technique that was originally developed for processing film images. By processing the film in the wrong type of chemicals, you could create a highly stylised image with drastically different colours and contrast. Cross processing effects can be simulated in Adobe Lightroom by a number of techniques involving the manipulation of contrast/brightness, hue/saturation and curves or just using Photo Presets with only one click!
Vintage and Faded Effect Presets
Retro and vintage style never go out of style. For photographers, creating vintage effects in pictures or photographs can be achieved in many ways. One is through the use of certain filters while others apply the vintage effect in Lightroom. The easiest way to do this in Lightroom is through Photo Presets!
Monochrome Presets
Create Color Toning effects: Sepia, Selenium, Palladium, Cyanotype, Split Toning and many more with just 1 click! In photography toning is a method of changing the colour of black-and-white photographs. In analog photography, toning is a chemical process carried out on silver-based photographic prints. The effects of these processes can be emulated with software in digital photography.
Black & White Presets
Black and white photography doesn't attract with its play of colors. Here close attention to composition, lighting, perspective and the context it is shot in are important. Convert color photos to Black and White with ease! With our Black & White Presets your color images will become stunning black and white masterpieces.
Color Creative Presets
Color plays a major role in the story that a photograph has to tell, but sometimes the color that the camera captures isn't exactly what we have in mind. This is where Lightroom can be a big help, and more specifically Photo Presets. With the click of a button presets can help us achieve time consuming effects in no time. The Creative Color preset set lets you selectively lighten/darken specific ranges of color (reds, greens, blues, cyans, magentas, yellows).
HDR Presets
Took a great photo, but don't have mutliple exposures to create an HDR image? Simply don't want to spend the time creating HDR images? Now you don't need to shoot into RAW or take multiple photos - one JPEG file is enough. HDR Lightroom Presets give a cool painterly style to your photos!
HDR (high dynamic range) is a set of techniques that allow a greater dynamic range of luminances between the lightest and darkest areas of an image. This wider dynamic range allows HDR images to more accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes, ranging from direct sunlight to faint starlight.
LOMO Effect Presets
Lomography is an analog camera movement and community, and is also a commercial trademark of Lomographische AG. Lomography is a pretty recent type of photography invented by the Lomographic Society, founded in the early nineties in Austria. The founders first experimented with Lomo LC-A, a cheap Russian toy camera. They were taken by the unique, high contrast photos with vignettes and soft focus.
Dragan Effect Presets
Andrzej Dragan is a Polish photographer who popularized photos which have a distinctive high contrast and high dynamic range appearance. This photo retouching process accentuates the very fine details like freckles and wrinkles, combined with advanced colouring techniques it gives your photos a real art-house finish. Get this sophisticated look that is widely used in fine art photography.
Graduated Filter Presets
Lightroom's Graduated Filter is the perfect tool for giving your skies a quick boost in color, depth and contrast without effecting the area below the horizon. Here you will find 26 different color filters.
Vignettes and Round Corners Presets
The use of a vignette effect not only gives your digital photographs a softer and unique look, but it helps focus the attention of the viewer to the central subject of the photograph, in most cases. Adobe Lightroom features a "post-crop vignetting" tool that makes it simple to add a vignette effect to your photograph. Vignettes can be used for various effects, but sometimes it can be difficult to get them exactly how you want them to look. We've created a package of presets that should be a great starting point for adding vignettes to your work.
Selected Color Presets
Selective color is a post-processing technique where most of a photo is converted to black and white, but some parts are left in color. This is usually achieved by using layers and masks in photo editing software. Black and white photography can give very powerful meaning to a photo, but sometimes a bit of color makes it truly outstanding.
Step by step instructions are included explaining how to apply content.
Mac OS X and Windows compatible.
Works great with Lightroom 4, 5 and 6 / CC
Works perfect with JPEG and RAW images
INSTRUCTION The folder will be downloaded to your Downloads folder.
1: Extract the files in the zip. 2: Open Lightroom and click on the "Develop" tab. 3: On the left panel select 'Presets'. Right click on “Presets” and select “New Folder” and give it a meaningful name. Click on the “Create” button. 4: Right click on the new folder and select “Import...” 5: Locate the unzipped presets on your hard drive. Select the presets you want to install and click on the “Open” button, and you’re done. The presets will now be listed in the panel within Lightroom. Simply open a photo and use the preset effects to see the different effects.
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