Graphicriver HDR Painting Effect 23948147
Photoshop ATN, ZXP file | 112 Kb
My new HDR Painting Effect, This is completely different from other Marketplace wall painting action, Auto color options auto-setting options in your photo will bring you a nice look with a single click, It has been used in a featured, which you have not seen before in any other action, With 100% grant, we can tell you that you will be circumcision using the action, The advanced color tone that we’re using is very attractive and good looking. Its very easy to find that you can easily make your photo colorful, Using the Advanced Wall Painting Action, you can easily give your photo the look of the wallpaper,
People, Landscape, Flower, Animal, Effect is different for all these topics, If you do not believe then you will see our video.
Video tips : video link include download main file of the help file Help Gide included
Open the zip file, Double click ATN (action file ) than it will install in your Photoshop, now go the window menu >> click the action option ….. now show action plate in your front …... select action than play action
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