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Photoshop Actions Rivers 20% off 227932

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:06
Photoshop Actions Rivers 20% off 227932

Photoshop Actions Rivers 20% off 227932
Photoshop ATN | 233 Kb

Peony Photoshop Action 322373

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:06
Peony Photoshop Action 322373

Peony Photoshop Action 322373
Photoshop ATN | 136 Kb

Peach and mint patterns 275267

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:05
Peach and mint patterns 275267

Peach and mint patterns 275267
JPG | 67 Mb

Nude and Charcoal backgrounds 87359

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:05
Nude and Charcoal backgrounds 87359

Nude and Charcoal backgrounds 87359
16 JPG | 12 x 12 in | 300 DPI | 20 Mb

Low Poly Landscapes 164631

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:04
Low Poly Landscapes 164631

Low Poly Landscapes 164631
9 PSD | 3000 x 2000 px | Layered | 300 DPI | 149 Mb

Horizon 322926

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:04
Horizon 322926

Horizon 322926
OTF | 125 Kb

General Usage Screen Generator 321704

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:03
General Usage Screen Generator 321704

General Usage Screen Generator 321704
Photoshop PSD | 7000 x 8000 | 1.2 Kb

Fashion Magazine 288036

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:03
Fashion Magazine 288036

Fashion Magazine 288036
INDD, IDML | Print Dimensions 21 x 29.7 | 9.5 Mb

Fashion Company Identity Mock-up 181087

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:02
Fashion Company Identity Mock-up 181087

Fashion Company Identity Mock-up 181087
Layered PSD | 6000×3600 px | 300 dpi | CS4+ | 223 Mb

Branding Mockups, part 1 260496

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:01
Branding Mockups, part 1 260496

Branding Mockups, part 1 260496
Photoshop PSD | 648 Mb

Blue ombre watercolor backgrounds 91525

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:01
Blue ombre watercolor backgrounds 91525

Blue ombre watercolor backgrounds 91525
JPG | 11 Mb

Apple Cinema Display mockup 92681

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:00
Apple Cinema Display mockup 92681

Apple Cinema Display mockup 92681
Layered PSD | 1400 x 933 | 17 Mb

30+ Flat Badges, labels and banners 17219

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 01:00
30+ Flat Badges, labels and banners 17219

30+ Flat Badges, labels and banners 17219
AI, JPG | Layered | Tileable | 1.3 Mb

11-in-1 Mega Mockup Bundle 322063

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 00:59
11-in-1 Mega Mockup Bundle 322063

11-in-1 Mega Mockup Bundle 322063
Photoshop PSD | 33 Mb

6 Burlap patterned textures 194774

Author: GFXfox on 21-07-2015, 00:59
6 Burlap patterned textures 194774

6 Burlap patterned textures 194774
JPG | 19 Mb

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